Get Started
we are going to help you to start and configure petroapp intigration by creating a copy of our documentntation and reports. Make sure you've read our directory structure articles before continuing.
simply this is our main modules you need to make an awesome integration
Generate Api Key
you have to use your main company user data [username , password]
to get your api key to start with our web service configuration
As you might see in the get_apiKey
- URL :
- Header Request parameters: none
- Method : POST
- Paramaters/body :
username*: your_company_username
password*: your_company_password - description : to return your api key .
- Notes:
expires_in return in seconds
- success return:
{ "success": true, "message": "بترو اب يرحب بك", "data": { "api_key": "123123123123", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 31536000 } }
- failure return:
{ "success": false, "message": "بيانات المستخدم غير صحيحة", "data": "" }
Refresh Token
As you might see in the refresh_token
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method : POST
- Paramaters/body : None
- description : to refresh your token.
- success return:
{ "success": true, "message": "بترو اب يرحب بك", "data": { "api_key": "123123123123", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 31536000 } }
- failure return:
{ "success": false, "message": "بيانات المستخدم غير صحيحة", "data": "" }
Here you will get all your vehicles
As you might see in the vehicles
- URL :
- Paramaters/body :
plate : ( String )
Example [ X Y Z 2 0 2 0 ] Vehicle Plate Number Or Truck Structure Number
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method :GET
- success return:
{ "success": true, "data": { "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "branch_name": "Branch test1", "arabic_plate_letter": "س س س", "english_plate_letter": "S S S", "english_plate_number": "9 0 9 6", "arabic_plate_number": "٩ ٠ ٩ ٦", "trip_number": "test-123", "consumption_method": "NULL", "consumption_type": "NULL", "max_consumption_by_rial": 0, "max_consumption_by_liters": 0, "current_consumption_by_rial": 0, "current_consumption_by_liters": null, "photo": null, "vehicle_available_days": "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat", "brand": " Austin", "model": " Mini Cooper", "type": "معدات ثقيلة", "year": null, "other_one": null, "other_two": null, "other_three": null, "chassis_number": "A1234567", "odometer":"120000", "internal_number": null } ], "from": 1, "last_page": 52, "next_page_url": "", "path": "", "per_page": 1, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 1, "total": 52 } }
- failure return:
{ "message": "no data found", "success": true, "data": { "current_page": 1, "data": [], "from": null, "last_page": 0, "next_page_url": null, "path": "", "per_page": 10, "prev_page_url": null, "to": null, "total": 0 } }
insert Trip
Here you will add new trip to vehicle
As you might see in the insert_trip
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: POST
- Paramaters/body :
plate : ( String )
Example [ X Y Z 2 0 2 0 ] Vehicle Plate Number Or Truck Structure Number
trip_number: ( String )your new trip number
max_trip_consumption_rial : ( double )max trip consumption in saudi rial (SRA)
start_date : ( Date ) format exampl YYYY-mm-dd
end_date : ( Date ) format example YYYY-mm-dd
- success return::
{ "success": true,"message":"trip has been inserted", "data": {} }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"message":"error is occured", "data": {} }
Increase vehicle consumption
Here you can update vehicle consumption
Note that ! vehicle will be not related with any trips and this endpoint used to only increase vehicle consumption value
As you might see in the increase_vehicle_consumption
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: POST
- Paramaters/body :
plate : ( String )
Example [ X Y Z 2 0 2 0 ] Vehicle Plate Number Or Truck Structure Number
current_consumption : ( double )vehicle consumption in saudi rial (SRA)
- success return::
{ "success": true,"message":"vehicle consumption has been increased", "data": {} }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"message":"error is occured", "data": {} }
Update Trip
Here you will add new trip to vehicle
As you might see in the update_trip
To update current trip skip {trip_number}
if you want update a one of trip parameter just need to skip others parameters
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: POST
- Paramaters/body :
current_trip_number : ( String )
your old trip number
trip_number: ( String )your new trip number
increase_trip_consumption : ( double )To Increase current trip consumption and existed max trip consumption
reset : ( Boolean )To reset trip current consumption to equal existed max trip consumption
if reset parameter is true increase_trip_consumption will equal NULLtrip_consumption : ( double )To set trip consumption value and current consumption you needn't to send reset or increase_trip_consumption
start_date : ( Date ) format exampl YYYY-mm-dd
end_date : ( Date ) format example YYYY-mm-dd
- success return::
{ "success": true,"message":"trip has been updated", "data": {} }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"message":"error is occured", "data": {} }
Updated trips list
Here you will get updated trips had consumed with vehicle plate number
page limit with 10 records to get second records send parameter page=2... pagination structure
As you might see in the updated_trips
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: GET
- Paramaters/body :
date_from : ( Date ) format exampl YYYY-mm-dd H:i:s
date_to : ( Date ) format example YYYY-mm-dd H:i:s
status : ( Boolean ) true : active / false : inactive - success return::
{ "success": true, "data": [ { "trip_number": "81002", "trip_start": "2022-05-31 02:00:00", "trip_end": "2022-06-01 02:00:00", "trip_consumption": 500, "consumed": 100, "remaining_balance": 400, "active": "active", "updated_at": "2022-05-31T07:49:25.000000Z", "vehicle": "H H H - 9 9 9 9" } ] }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"data": {} }
Assign vehicle to trip
Here you will assign trip to vehicle
As you might see in the assign_vehicle_to_trip
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: POST
- Paramaters/body :
trip_number : ( STRING )
your trip number
plate: ( STRING )Vehicle plate
- success return::
{ "success": true,"message":"vehicle now can using this trip", "data": {} }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"message":"this vehicle is not exist", "data": {} }
Remove vehicle from trip
Here you will remove vehicle from trip
As you might see in the remove_vehicle_from_trip
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: POST
- Paramaters/body :
trip_number : ( STRING )
your trip number
plate: ( STRING )Vehicle plate
Note : vehicle consumption method will changed to open then (max_consumption , current_consumption )
values will be ( 0 SAR ) - success return::
{ "success": true,"message":"vehicle now can not using this trip", "data": {} }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"message":"this vehicle is not exist", "data": {} }
Active Trip
To active trip use this endpoint
As you might see in the active_trip
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: POST
- success return::
{ "success": true,"message":"trip has been active", "data": {} }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"message":"trip not found", "data": {} }
Deactivate Trip
To stop trip use this endpoint
As you might see in the deactivate_trip
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: POST
- success return::
{ "success": true,"message":"trip has been deactivate", "data": {} }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"message":"trip not found", "data": {} }
Trip status log
trip log to check who`s activate or deactivate trip
As you might see in the trip_status_logs
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method: GET
- success return::
{ "success": true, "data": { "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "trip_consumption": 1, "current_consumption": 1, "trip_number": "75002", "username": "app", "status": 0 }, { "trip_consumption": 1, "current_consumption": 1, "trip_number": "75002", "username": "app", "status": 1 } ], "first_page_url": "", "from": 1, "last_page": 1, "last_page_url": "", "links": [ { "url": null, "label": "pagination.previous", "active": false }, { "url": "", "label": "1", "active": true }, { "url": null, "label": "", "active": false } ], "next_page_url": null, "path": "", "per_page": 10, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 2, "total": 2 } }
- failure return:
{ "success": false,"message":"trip not found", "data": {} }
Vehicles Trip Log
Here you will get all your vehicles trip log
As you might see in the vehicles_trip_log_data
- URL :
- Paramaters/body :
trip_number: ( String )
trip number
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method:GET
- success return:
{ "success": true, "data": { "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "branch_name": "Branch test1", "plate_letter_arabic": "ر ر ر", "plate_letter_english": "R R R", "structure_number": null, "plate_arabic_number": "۰ ۰ ۰ ۰", "english_plate_number": "0 0 0 0", "trip_number": "5dc4ce0d8f92d", "trip_consumption_by_rial": 100, "current_consumption_by_rial": 80, "trip_start_date": "2019-09-08 00:00:00", "trip_end_date": "2019-11-09 00:00:00", "inserted_at": null, "fuel_type": "91" } ], "from": 1, "last_page": 1, "next_page_url": "http://localhost/petroappwebprod/webservice/vehicles_trip_log_date?page=2", "path": "http://localhost/petroappwebprod/webservice/vehicles_trip_log_date", "per_page": 10, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 1, "total": 1 } }
- failure return:
{ "message": "no data found", "success": true, "data": { "current_page": 1, "data": [], "from": null, "last_page": 0, "next_page_url": null, "path": "", "per_page": 10, "prev_page_url": null, "to": null, "total": 0 } }
Get Bills
Here you can get your company bills with filter inputs
As you might see in the bills
- Language parameters : ar || en
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method : GET
- parameters:
from : :( Date ) format example YYYY-mm-dd
to :( Date ) format example YYYY-mm-dd
branch_name : ( String ) Example: branch test - Successfuly Response:
{ "success": true, "data": { "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "bill_date": "2019-10-09 12:55:33", "trip_number": null, "payment_method": 1, "billDate": "2019-10-09 12:55:33", "status": 0, "branch_name": "Branch test1", "station_name": "حساب تجريبي", "station_lat": 21.63234578000000141173586598597466945648193359375, "station_lng": 48.62287828000000189376805792562663555145263671875, "delegate_name": null, "plate_letter": null, "plate_snum": null, "cost": 50.5, "num_of_liters": 107.4470000000000027284841053187847137451171875, "internal_number": null, "structure_number": null, "city": " طريف", "district": " الورود", "payment_method_text": "نقدى", "odometer":"120000" } ], "from": 1, "last_page": 1, "next_page_url":, "path": "", "per_page": 10, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 3, "total": 3 } }
Get Bills For Trips
Here you will your company bills with trip number input
As you might see in the bills
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method :GET
- parameters:
trip_number: (String)
- Successfuly Response:
{ "success": true, "data": { "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "bill_date": "2019-10-09 12:55:33", "trip_number": 123123, "payment_method": 1, "billDate": "2019-10-09 12:55:33", "status": 0, "branch_name": "Branch test1", "station_name": "حساب تجريبي", "station_lat": 21.63234578000000141173586598597466945648193359375, "station_lng": 48.62287828000000189376805792562663555145263671875, "delegate_name": null, "plate_letter": null, "plate_snum": null, "cost": 50.5, "num_of_liters": 107.4470000000000027284841053187847137451171875, "internal_number": null, "structure_number": null, "city": " طريف", "district": " الورود", "payment_method_text": "نقدى", "odometer":"120000" } ], "from": 1, "last_page": 1, "next_page_url": "", "path": "", "per_page": 10, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 3, "total": 3 } }
PetroApp Locations
Here you will get all petroapp locations
As you might see in the petroapp_locations
- URL :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method : GET
- Params: Response with station title , lat / lng , station services
- success return locations:
{ "request": null, "locs": [ { "station_name": "adwa elezz", "lat": 24.551790199999999231295078061521053314208984375, "lng": 46.6297075199999966343966661952435970306396484375, "id": 8, "service": [ { "service_name": "صيانة سيارات" }, { "service_name": "بنشر" }, { "service_name": "مغسلة سيارات" }, { "service_name": "سوبر ماركت" }, { "service_name": "صراف الي" }, { "service_name": "كوفي شوب" }, { "service_name": "مسجد" }, { "service_name": "غيار زيت" } ], "petrol_prices": [ { "id": 1, "fuel_type": "91" }, { "id": 3, "fuel_type": "ديزل" } ], "diesel": "yes" }, ] }
PetroApp Locations Filter
As you might see in the petroapp_locations
- URL :
- OR :
- Header Request parameters:
Authorization :
Bearer your_api_token
- Method:GET
- Paramaters:
||(String) station_name
||(String) station_services
- search_request with latitude longitude type lat,lng the same this way 24.55179019999,24.55179019999
- search_request with title type any String title and if exist you will get station data , return with request letter
"lat": "24.551790199999999231295078061521053314208984375",
"lng": "46.6297075199999966343966661952435970306396484375",
"request": "24.551790199999999231295078061521053314208984375,46.6297075199999966343966661952435970306396484375",
"locs": [
"station_name": "adwa elezz",
"lat": 24.551790199999999231295078061521053314208984375,
"lng": 46.6297075199999966343966661952435970306396484375,
"id": 8,
"service": [
"service_name": "صيانة سيارات"
"service_name": "بنشر"
"service_name": "مغسلة سيارات"
"service_name": "سوبر ماركت"
"service_name": "صراف الي"
"service_name": "كوفي شوب"
"service_name": "مسجد"
"service_name": "غيار زيت"
"petrol_prices": [
"id": 1,
"fuel_type": "91"
"id": 3,
"fuel_type": "ديزل"
"diesel": "yes"